Causes of Hair Loss in Women

hair loss in woman
Maintaining healthy hair is not easy. There are always problems that make the hair was not optimal. One of the most annoying problems is hair loss.

As reported from, according to the American Hair Loss Association (AHLA) forty percent of people who seek treatment for hair loss are women. To cope with this problem, first you need to find out what the main factor that trigger hair loss. There are five drivers of female hair loss according to Richard Mizuguchi, MD Director of hair restoration surgery at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City.

Conditions when stress triggers hair loss known as telogen effluvium. Emotional stress and physical trauma can cause the hair in the 'resting state', that hair falls out and new hair does not grow quickly. According to Mizuguchi this case might be associated with metabolic and hormonal changes that triggered by stress.

When you're pregnant, your hair can be more thick than usual. This is because estrogen during pregnancy increased, then decreased after delivery. So a few months after giving birth, you will start losing a lot of hair. While it may be surprising to see so much hair on your comb, do not worry. This usually does not cause permanent hair loss.

Styling products
If your hair is not a loss, but broken, styling products can be 'blamed'. Hair dyes, gels, and hair spray can cause hair to become brittle. Too often use a flat iron or hair dryer also makes hair brittle and vulnerable to damage.

Drastic weight loss
A strict diet, where you lose more than 5 kilograms per month, can cause hair loss. Physical changes drastically disrupt the system, and forced hair roots to close and be in ‘rest’ phase. After one or two months, the follicle usually comes back and new hair will grow back.

Iron deficiency
In addition to protein, the body also needs iron for hair growth. If the body does not receive enough iron intakes, then the growth will be retarded or stopped.

Problem of iron deficiency is usually experienced by women who menstruate for a long time or a lot. So, do not be surprised if during menstruation, hair is falling out a lot. You can reduce it by eating iron-rich foods such as meat, beans and green vegetables.

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